ID Sedimentary Rocks Ebook by Myrna Martin
Why teachers like this book
You will like this our Sedimentary Rocks Identification ebook because it is easy to use. It will take only a few minutes of your time to prepare for each lesson. After completing a few chapters in their book students require minimal help from their teachers.
You will find that your students are fascinated with the different types of sedimentary rocks that cover the Earth's surface.
Each chapter in this book is about a specific topic related to sedimentary rocks. Your students will enjoy their science lessons because each chapter includes a science experiment or activity.
Sample chapters
- Clastic Rocks
- Rock that Burn
- What are Organic Rocks?
Our Sedimentary Rocks book is designed for all ages of students
This sedimentary rocks ebook is designed for all ages of students. If you are teaching a group with multiple ages and reading abilities, this is the book for you. You can have students work alone or together as they read the information in each chapter. Students can then do the experiments individually or together.
Sample experiments
- Calcite Test
- Sugar Cube Caves
- Erosion by Acid Rain
Why you should buy this book!
Our EZ Geology ebooks are easier to use than any other Earth Science program available. Your students can work through this science ebook with minimal, to no help, from you. This gives you time for other things you need to do in your busy life.
Our books are PDF files that can be read on smart phones, tablets, laptops, and desktop computers immediately after purchasing this ebook.
The PDF ebook is available for instant download. You will be emailed a link to download your ebook as soon as your checkout is complete. You will be able to read this book in minutes.